Are you looking for Halloween party game ideas for this year? Look no further! We have prepared engaging games that will definitely keep you and your guests entertained.
1. Halloween Party Game: Hungry, Hungry Ghost
Have you ever played “Hungry, Hungry Hippo”? Well, this is a Halloween version of that game! It’s a fun game that allows you to be creative before the start, as you can make your own little ghosts using crepe paper along with a piece of string.

Want to play the Hungry, Hungry Ghost Halloween Game?
Gather your friends, form a circle, and place your ghosts in the centre. Each player should hold onto their ghost’s string.
Choose someone to be the ghost hunter, who will stand (or kneel) above the ghosts with a bucket. Put on some eerie music and get the party started!
When the music stops, each player should quickly pull their ghost away, while the ghost catcher tries to catch as many ghosts as possible by slamming the bucket in the centre of the circle. Whoever gets their ghost caught is out of the game.
Keep playing until there is only one ghost left.
How to make your own ghosts?
If you’re planning to create your own ghosts for the Halloween Game, you’re in luck because it’s quite simple. Just follow these step-by-step instructions:
Step 1: Gather all the necessary things, such as string, a few small balls, crepe paper, markers, pens, or any other writing tools.
Step 2: Cut a circle out of the crepe paper and then shape the outline to resemble the bottom part of a ghost.
Step 3: Place a ball in the center of the circle and wrap the paper around it.
Step 4: Tie the string around the crepe paper at the bottom of the ball.
Step 5: Draw a face on your ghost, and voila! You’re done with creating your Halloween Game.
HINT: This is a perfect game for kids’ parties, since the preparation already incites creativity.
2. Halloween Party Game: Mummy Wrap
Halloween and toilet paper have a unique bond, but this year, instead of using it to vandalize your neighbour’s house, you can use it to play a fun Halloween game called “Mummy Wrap.”
This game is great for children, but adults can also join in on the fun. To start, you will need at least 2 players per team and a couple of rolls of toilet paper.

Let’s play!
Split all the participants into teams. One player from each team will be the “mummy,” and the rest will be the “wrappers.” All teams will start wrapping their mummy in toilet paper at the same time. The first team to create a completely wrapped mummy wins.
Some fun ideas to spice up this Halloween game
- Limit the toilet paper supply to add an element of competition. You could set one limited supply of toilet paper for all teams, so they will have to fight over it.
- Offer small Halloween-themed prizes for the best teams, like lollies or apples. You can check our party favours section for ideas.
- Add a race to the Halloween game. When the mummy is fully wrapped, they will have to run to the finish line. The mummy who makes it to the finish line without the toilet paper falling off wins. If the mummy’s toilet paper does fall off, they must run back and their team will have to re-wrap them.
3. Halloween Party Game: Apple Bobbing
This is a classic. Apple bobbing is one of the most popular Halloween party games that everyone knows. It is simple, fun, and really wet.
All you need to play this game is a big enough bucket, bowl, or any other large enough water container, and some apples.

Here’s how to play
It’s really pretty simple to play this Halloween game.
You just need to put the apples inside a container filled with water. Then your guests can try to fish them out by using their mouths or teeth. No hands or any other tools are allowed.
Try it out and see who can catch the most apples.
Some fun twists in this Halloween game
- Sweet version for kids
If your kids are not fans of fruits, you can try offering them lollies instead. After all, it is the trick or TREAT season. Buy some floating candy and let them try to catch it. In this version of the Halloween game, they can keep whatever they manage to fish out.
- Alco-bobbing
Why water? Instead, use a fruity cocktail mix or sangria to put the apples in. Encourage guests to fish out the apples and enjoy drinking while they bobbing. This is sure to make the party even more fun! Please note that this version should only be practiced by adults 🙂
- Mass bobbing
Get a huge water container and let everyone go at once! Let’s see who will manage to fish out the most apples.
Have fun playing the Halloween party game of your choice and Happy Halloween!