Halloween is a spooky time of the year when ghosts and monsters come out, but it’s also the time for parties. Many people transform their homes into haunted houses. To create a scary atmosphere, they use Halloween decorations such as Jack-o’-lanterns, spider webs, plastic bats, and anything else that’s frightening. Scary music and Halloween lollies that look like eyeballs add to the festivities.
Also, board games have always been a staple of any party, and there are plenty of Halloween-themed games to choose from. In addition to the Halloween party games we have already featured, you can find more games to play by reading this blog.
So, get ready for a spooky and fun Halloween party with these ideas.
Halloween games for a memorable party
Halloween parties are always exciting, and games are a great way to spice things up. While “Apple Bobbing” is a well-known game, there are many other options to choose from. So, if you want to make your Halloween party unforgettable, keep reading.
To make sure your guests have a good time, you’ll need some essential elements like drinks, food, music, and fun board games. Here are some Halloween games you can add to the mix:
- Pumpkin carving contest
- Halloween drinking games
- Costume contest
- What monster am I?
- Apple Bobbing
- Do you dare…
- Summoning
- Halloween Trivia
- Halloween Scavenger Hunt
- Hungry, Hungry Ghost
- Mummy Wrap
We have focused on the most popular ones, which will make the party forever memorable.
Halloween game No. 1: Costume contest

Hosting a costume contest can be a fun and exciting Halloween game addition to your party. It is quite easy to set up and enjoyable for everyone involved. To kick things off, include a note in your party invitation that you will be hosting a costume contest. Encourage your guests to show off their creativity and come up with the most imaginative costume possible.
To make the contest even more engaging, offer a few small prizes that will give contestants extra motivation to compete. In addition to the best costume, you can also award prizes for various categories, such as funniest costume, worst costume, or sexiest costume – the possibilities are endless.
For a memorable awards ceremony, turn it into a spectacle that everyone can enjoy. There are two ways to determine the winner of the contest – judging or voting. While you could judge the contest yourself, voting is usually more fun. Simply place a ballot box somewhere in the room and let everyone cast their vote for the best costume. As guests mingle and talk about their costumes, they can cast their votes and have a great time doing so. At the end of the night, tally up the votes and announce the winners.
Remember, this is a party, not a presidential election, so make sure to keep things light-hearted and fun for everyone involved. Enjoy!
Halloween game No. 2: Drinking Halloween games ideas

Every party needs drinking games and Halloween parties are no exception. These are simple drinking games for adults that don't require much preparation, but are still a fun addition to your party that can impress your guests:
Word Halloween game:
Set a Halloween-themed word for the evening. Every time someone uses that word, they must take a drink. It's a straightforward game but can be a lot of fun to play. For added convenience, make sure to have plastic cups ready for your guests to use during the games and festivities.
Monster movie drinking game:
It's usually a bad idea to have the TV on during a party, but there are exceptions. You can put a horror spin on your Halloween party by using it for a drinking game. All you have to do is set a Halloween-themed word and every time that word is said in the movie, everyone has to take a sip.
What monsters passed me:
This is more of an outdoor Halloween game. You set a monster and then every time someone dressed in that monster costume passes, everyone drinks. Guests will eventually start announcing whenever this happens and everyone will have fun spotting by-passers' costumes.
Haul for a drink:
This Halloween game couldn't be simpler. Prepare the sound of a werewolf howling (on your computer, phone or stereo) and tell your guests that every time they hear it, they have to drink! Play the sound at random intervals throughout the party, and watch everyone get into the spirit. You can also set up a special table with shots where people come for their drink when you roll the sound.
Halloween game No. 3: Pumpkin carving competition

Halloween is incomplete without carving and decorating pumpkins. It is a fun Halloween game activity that can be turned into a competition at parties. To host a pumpkin carving competition, get some pumpkins and carving knives and let your guests take over. They can carve the pumpkins and turn them into unique and creative jack-o-lanterns. You can either judge the results yourself or let the non-participating guests vote for their favourite pumpkin. To make it more exciting, offer a prize for the best pumpkin and additional prizes for different categories like the funniest, scariest, or worst pumpkin.
Alternatively, you can also set up a table with gourds and carving knives and let guests try their carving skills as a side activity.
Need instructions on how to carve pumpkins? No problem! It's actually quite easy, but you need to know some technical things. So, let's go step by step:
Draw a circle around the stem and cut it out to make an opening at the top.
Use a spoon to remove the "innards" - seeds and everything else from inside the pumpkin.
Draw the parts you want to cut out with a marker, so you can better visualise what the finished product will look like.
Using a small knife, cut along the lines you drew in Step 3.
After cutting, gently push the pieces out from the inside.
Finally, place a candle inside your creation, close it, and enjoy the spooky ambiance.
Have a scary Halloween!